Monday, July 14, 2008

William - time is over

William. The biggest matter in my love life. For months, I posed a huge crush on him. I asked him out, discovered, the now lie revealed, and he said no. We became really good friends that day, and we even made plans to hook up, even though my busy schedule didn't allow that to happen. So even when he couldn't have a girlfriend, which he now can, we were BEST friends.
Spending time with William was always a blast. "Fun Nights", which were our school dances, were always a blast with William. We'd drink a whole lot of Sunkist, and just sit and relax and watch people play basketball. After slurping down a whole bunch, finally finishing it, we'd race into the gym and verse each other, if we could get a ball. If we couldn't? We stole the ball from someone else. And lastly, we'd top the night with a slow dance.
On the weekends, we'd do a lot of IMings and calls; that always made the both of us feel we were together. I'd email him a lot, and I'd get pretty long responses, too. We were having the times of our lives. It couldn't go bad, could it?

Well, unfortunately, EVERY good thing doesn't last. Our great friendship, and at one time relationship, had finally stopped. It was all because of one girl, Emily Howard.

My dad told me to go to sleep. Listening for the footsteps to get quieter, and finally getting the reassurance of the door closing, I subtly crept up to the computer to go on Facebook and see if he was online. I checked my online friends. Just Emily and Katelyn Gitzen. So I wrote a few notes, searched for "Pieces of Flair", and then finally was about to go to bed, when I heard the new chat message "pop".

"Hey, Cassidy, it's Emily," Emily wrote, but in a lot more informal way. I took a deep breath. Come on! I wanted to go to bed.
"Hiiiiiiiiii," I tiredly responded back. What did she want? Was she going to waste my time? Or talk about something serious.

"So, I was just talking to Evan. You went out with William? I didn't know that!" Emily said. What? Emily was one of the first people I had shared with about the news of William and I.
"Emily, I told you already! Yes! He's my bf and we're going out," I sighed. Why didn't I just go offline? No, I was going to handle this.
"NO? William's MY boyfriend," I told her, then signed off. What was William doing?

The next day, I called William up. Turns out she was an old crush and she asked her out, so she said yes.

William, if you ever read this, you are a bastard.

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