Monday, July 14, 2008

First Kiss

My first love story:

"Let's go, now," I told Robert as my cousin Preston left us in the condo parking lot alone. Everyone had gone to chase after Eddy, so Robert and I finally had a chance. We'd just gotten, well, not together, but we'd admitted we'd liked each other. Okay, I didn't really like Robert that much, but he was the coolest guy there, and definitely worth hooking up with.
"Okay," he replied back, looking into my eyes. His glimpse caught mine, and we leaned in together, my lips feeling wet and definitely emotional. My thoughts went completely blank. Euphoria raced throughout my body, but our kissing was at last cut off after a minute.
"THEY'RE KISSING!" my cousin Preston called, getting everyone's attention. Thankfully, my great way of lying and convincing got me out of it, even though I don't care about my reputation around my mom's place. I belong with my dad.

The night ended with scared little Robert dashing off to his house to hide. Boys. They can be SO immature.

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